Our office specializes in immigration of professional experts and foreign workers to Israel, and has 14 years of experience in the field.
We are the leading law office dealing with immigration to Israel.
We provide our customers an immigration package that includes:
List of the different permits to be obtained.
Detailed description of the steps to be taken to obtain the permits.
Ongoing legal service.
In Israel, employment of non-professional worker sets for a sectors (agriculture, construction, caregiving). In construction, the government sets quotas for foreign workers according to the agreements with other countries (like China).
For Your kind of work and the origin, there is no specific sector to obtain a visa.
That is why the only way for his employment is submitting application as a foreign expert.
The procedure for employing a foreign expert differs from that of employing an ordinary, non-professional migrant worker.
Applications for employing foreign experts are adjudicated in a special procedure, which is relatively expedited compared to that applied to non-professional migrant workers.
While the average wage of non-professional migrant workers is lower than that of Israeli workers, the average wage of foreign experts is significantly higher than the Israeli average.
In fact, one of the conditions for obtaining an Employment Permit for a foreign expert is that her salary will be at least double the Israeli average.
The requirements for a specialist visa in Israel are affected by a necessary labor period and professional specialization of the employee.
There are 3 periods for the permits to be obtained:
1. 45 days per calendar year permit
2. 90 days per calendar year permit
3. Long term – 1 year permit
Please see below a short explanation of the procedure:
Step 1:
The request is submitted to the Israeli Immigration & population Authority (PIBA).
The request shall include all the necessary de documents and affidavits from the employing company.
Step 2:
The request is reviewed by few committees (trade committee, the Ministry of Economy, etc.) who present their recommendations.
Step 3:
After receiving the recommendations, PIBA approves the request and begins the process of issuing permits at the Ministry of the Interior.
Step 4:
The visa is stamped in the worker’s passport.
Please don't hesitate to contact us for any further information
